The Department of Human Services is currently in need of volunteers to serve as guardians or conservators for Wards of the State. Wards of the state are typically individuals with mental illness, disabilities, or dementia. In some cases, family members of the ward are not able to serve as guardian or conservator, and we look to caring community members for help.
Guardians work with professionals from DHS and other service agencies to make placement and treatment decisions for the ward. Thus, a guardian may be asked to sign admission requests for hospitals, complete applications for government assistance, and monitor the ward’s treatment and condition. Conservators help manage a ward’s finances. Guardians and conservators make a brief yearly report to the court. If additional court involvement is necessary, the county attorney’s office can help with filing the necessary paperwork. Guardians and conservators make a big difference for some of our community’s most at need individuals.
For more information please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 515-725-2743.